Getting Started - Setup
To install Narvik from NPM, run:
npm i narvik
or for the package
npx jsr add @narvik/narvik
Data Management Callbacks
The basic configuration requires only that you provide functions for managing basic session operations in your data store.
export const narvik = new Narvik({
data: {
saveSession: async (session: Session): Promise<void> => {
// Save the session to your database
fetchSession: async (sessionId: string): Promise<Session | null> => {
// Fetch the session from your database
updateSessionExpiry: async (sessionId: string, updateExpiresAt: Date): Promise<void> => {
// Update the session expiry in your database
deleteSession: async (sessionId: string): Promise<void> => {
// Delete the session from your database
You can also provide three additional "optional" callbacks that enable you to perform additional session management functions:
export const narvik = new Narvik({
data: {
//as above
fetchSessionsForUser: async (userId: string): Promise<Session[]> => {
// Enables the 'fetchSessionsForUser' on Narvik - Used to Fetch all sessions for a user from your database
deleteSessionsForUser: async (userId: string): Promise<void> => {
// Enables the 'deleteSessionsForUser' on Narvik - Used to Delete all sessions for a user from your database
deleteAllExpiredSessions: (): Promise<void> => {
// Enables the 'deleteAllExpiredSessions' on Narvik - Used to Delete all expired sessions from your database. Some databases offer built-in TTL functionality that can handle this automatically which may be preferable.
For more information on these callbacks, see the Session Storage page.
Session & Cookie Configuration
You can also provide additional configuration options for sessions and cookies.
export const narvik = new Narvik({
data: {
//as above
session: { //Optional - Session configuration
sessionExpiresInMs: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, //Optional - Desired session length in ms. Default is 30 Days - here value is 1 week
cookie: { //Optional - Cookie configuration
name: "your-app-session", //Optional - Session cookie name. Default is "narvik_session"
cookieExpiresInMs: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, //Optional - Desired cookie length in ms. Default is same as "sessionExpiresInMs" - here value is 1 week
attributes: {
secure: true, //Optional - Default true - set to true for https, set to false for http
domain: "", //Optional - Domain attribute. Default is not set
path: "/", //Optional - Path attribute. Default is "/"
sameSite: "lax", //Optional - SameSite attribute. Default is "lax"