
Getting Started - Setup


To install Narvik from NPM, run:

npm i narvik

or for the package

npx jsr add @narvik/narvik


Data Management Callbacks

The basic configuration requires only that you provide functions for managing basic session operations in your data store.

export const narvik = new Narvik({
    data: {
        saveSession: async (session: Session): Promise<void> => {
            // Save the session to your database
        fetchSession: async (sessionId: string): Promise<Session | null>  => {
            // Fetch the session from your database
        updateSessionExpiry: async (sessionId: string, updateExpiresAt: Date): Promise<void>  => {
            // Update the session expiry in your database
        deleteSession: async (sessionId: string): Promise<void>  => {
            // Delete the session from your database

You can also provide three additional "optional" callbacks that enable you to perform additional session management functions:

export const narvik = new Narvik({
    data: {
        //as above
        fetchSessionsForUser: async (userId: string): Promise<Session[]> => {
            // Enables the 'fetchSessionsForUser' on Narvik - Used to Fetch all sessions for a user from your database
        deleteSessionsForUser: async (userId: string): Promise<void> => {
            // Enables the 'deleteSessionsForUser' on Narvik - Used to Delete all sessions for a user from your database
        deleteAllExpiredSessions: (): Promise<void> => {
            // Enables the 'deleteAllExpiredSessions' on Narvik - Used to Delete all expired sessions from your database. Some databases offer built-in TTL functionality that can handle this automatically which may be preferable.

For more information on these callbacks, see the Session Storage page.

You can also provide additional configuration options for sessions and cookies.

export const narvik = new Narvik({
    data: {
        //as above
    session: { //Optional - Session configuration
        sessionExpiresInMs: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, //Optional - Desired session length in ms. Default is 30 Days - here value is 1 week
    cookie: { //Optional - Cookie configuration
        name: "your-app-session", //Optional - Session cookie name. Default is "narvik_session"
        cookieExpiresInMs: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, //Optional - Desired cookie length in ms. Default is same as "sessionExpiresInMs" - here value is 1 week
        attributes: {
            secure: true, //Optional - Default true - set to true for https, set to false for http
            domain: "", //Optional - Domain attribute. Default is not set
            path: "/", //Optional - Path attribute. Default is "/"
            sameSite: "lax", //Optional - SameSite attribute. Default is "lax"

Next Section: Usage